Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chapter 1... and so it rolls from here

Writing a book has always been on my Things to Do Before I Die wishlist.

I once aspired to be the youngest writer published - well, time passed, I procrastinated and that didn't happen. Then I aspired to write a super uber pulitzer winning book before turning 30. That's not looking particularly optimistic either, since that's in 3 years and I have written... err nothing.

There is this particular story arc which I am particularly attached to revolving about what my main character would do if she found out she had 3 months to live. Over the years, I have had various gos at writing a book about that. I tried the traditional pen, paper, write, then I had a go on the computer, finally I had a go on a some writing software. Everytime, I got distracted about 3 to 4 (very non-focussed) chapters along and abandoned it.

And so a few more years passed without much writing and too much time wasting. Tonight, I am lying in bed unable to sleep because I have run out of pot. I get hit by a sudden pang of guilt and panic because I have written absolutely nothing for the last 2 years.

I want to write again. Anything, everything - just write!

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