Friday, December 21, 2007

Those damned little French cookies

One week, 12 foiled and 4 successful attempts. No confectionery has ever vexed me the way Macarons have. Seeing as it is Christmas and I was too broke to buy gifts for my friends, I decided to play super homemaker ala Martha Stewart and attempt some posh Christmas baking as Christmas gifts.

The general acknowledged truth about Macarons are that they are tough little buggers to master and chocolate macarons are the most challenging amongst all the macarons. This the ironic part. I am proud to declare that i have mastered them chocolate macarons.... BUT the art of the basic macaron still escapes me!

The aftermath of my experiments have left a macaron graveyard where the mishapen and footless would have been macarons go to rest - RIP little ones.

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